this morning,
march 12th 2010,
my boifie texted me.....
'b, mumy ajak pg jb... im tired but i have to go'...
i have no worries upon that coz i know he would drive safely and he'll be ok..
suddenly tears came out of my eyes..
i dont know why...
but it kept pouring down!
(talking to myself)
ahhh... jauh nye syg nak pegi jb..
gosh.. im sure to miss u syg!!
balik lah cepat..
i cannot be apart from u..
can u imagine,
everyday i wake up in the morning,
he'll pick me up to send me to college,
and he'll pick me home when i had finished classes..
but today.......................
i dont see my boifie picking me up or what!
bangun pagi, siap2, naik bus, pegi kolej jumpa kwn2 yg menceriakan hidup,
tp tak jumpa boifie lg....
urrgghh, sedih, balik lah cepat!!
i cannot handle this situation,
that is a long way......................
and i hope ur journey will be bless..
drive carefully syg.
te amo
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Gracias Miamor
I love you with all I am
And all I'll ever be.
You are my moon, my sun and stars,
My earth, my sky, my sea.
I love you with all I am
And all I'll ever be.
You are my moon, my sun and stars,
My earth, my sky, my sea.
My love for you goes down and down
Beneath both life and death,
So deep it must remain when I
Have drawn my last faint breath.
Holding you for months and years
Will make Time disappear,
Will make your lips my lips, your face my face, your tear my tear;
Will make us one strange personage
All intertwined in bliss,
Not man or woman, live or dead--
Just nothing--but a kiss!
bunch of love..
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Aweeno Nino & Fickoe Loco's 2nd Month Anniversary
people might think im crazy, which im not!! ;)
i like to count my days with my beloved ones,
and i love to write even this is just our 2nd month ann.
Sayang, for the past two months of our relationship,
i see you play a good part in my life!
and i hope it stay forever Sayang..
you were always there for me no matter where or when.
especially when i say, 'sayang, b lapar...'
the first fight we had on ym bcoz of some silly mistake of mine were the worst ever.
and i wont let it happen again..
me say sorry ok .
and i am happy, in two months time we only have one, just one fight.
im glad you know how to control my situation as i always play the emo part!
sorry for that my love....
When i re-read your text msgs u send me before, i would laugh.............
not because it is funny but i see your true passion on knowing a person name Nur Azureen Ainnan,
even when we are still friends back then,
u tried so hard to pleased me,
not just me, u pleased everyone.....
you once said, 'aween is lame...'
but she's yours now, lame or not lame, u have to face it!
but yet, she loves u so much.
to much as u can ever imagine.
thank you for everything SHAFIQ JIZMAN.
you make me happy, u make me chill, and u make me s.t.n.d.
those secret code will always be in my heart!;)
te amo Shafiq Jizman

on V-Day, we were in my hometown.
all we can do it we had muvies with my sisters,
and my mom cook delicious food for her beloved daughter and her new 'son'...
i enjoy my stay in Kulim with my boifie..
he had such good manners and i hope my family love him as much as i do.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

pink. pink. pink.
i love the accesories,
i love the lingerie,
i love her!

who loves fashion mucho!!
i love u babes..

she's hot,
she's the boom,
she's smacking pretty!
this would be my new passion,
no more sports,
no more games,
no more tournaments,
let's get loud.
Monday, January 11, 2010

dah lame tak mengarang dkt sini.. otak tgh pusing2 pening malam,
baik jugak kalau nk menaip kan.. menaip begini pun bolehh!..
TUHAN tunjukkan aku jalan,
TUHAN tunjukkan aku kawan,
TUHAN tunjukkan aku kebahagiaan;
TUHAN tunjukkan aku kegembiraan,
TUHAN tunjukkan aku ketenangan!
Aku gembira dgn apa yg aku ada,
aku di kurniakan TUHAN untuk menerima makhluk ciptaannya,
Shafiq Jizman..
dengar name je rase nk geget,
bagai2 peel mamat ni..
tapi kamu sanggattttt terbaik bulan!
aku sampai tak tahu bahagian mana yg melengkap kan diri kau ntk hidup dgn akku!
slalu dah aku bgtau kaw,
ble melekat baru nak malu sane sini..
thanx to all our friends who had make our dreams and prayers cool ;)
Teman2, kamu semua miliki kasih syg aku,
cuma yg special nya bulan, dia dpt aku ntk dia, dia dan dia!
nasibb baiikk ahh..
Buat East, Timer, Pacak, Aar, Kopi, Ja, Boy,
kamu smua slalu ada ntk kami,
we love u brothers!
only heaven knows how much love we find for ourselves..
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